Notes Follow the following steps to create a new website using this template: 1. Log in to BlueHost and create a sub-domain 2. Confirm that the site is working by opening the browser and going to the new sub-domain. 3. After confirming that the site is active download it to your local folder using Dreanweaver. 4. Right click and copy the folder where the template lives. 5. Paste it as a subfolder in the folder of the new sub-domain (in your local folders). 6. Open the copy of the Template (the one that you just paste) and move-up (one) the index.php file. 7. Open one of the fie in DW and confirm that the CSS is link and everything looks good. Tip: When renaming file (not Folders) do not leave out the period and format name. 8. Rename the main folder. if you want...optional Tip: Use the same name used to name the main folder for step 3 and 4. 8. Rename the templete file. This is the file ending in .dwt if you want...optional 9. Rename the CSS form. This is the file ending in .css if you want...optional 10. To create additional pages using the template; -Move the dwt file you would like to use to the Templates folder. -Click on File and select New. -The New Document box will pop-up. -Select Page From Template. -Select the site and the template from the site -Click Create Leave the dwt file in the Template folder. If you move the dwt file back to the original folder everything will work just fine. However, if you would like to make additional changes to the template it will not up date the pages you create untill you move the dwt back to the Template folder. follow step 5 11. Put up the complete new site and wish for the best....